
Flowering Bush Lily

Clivia miniata (AKA: bush lily) is a wonderfully hardy, long-living plant with an exceptional seasonal bloom display at the end of winter. Clivia is a member of the amaryllis family and is named after Charlotte Clive, Duchess of Northumberland, who developed it as an indoor plant in 1866.

Clivias have thick, straplike leaves and large fleshy roots. They should be cared for something like a succulent, as they are “water-wise” plants. They do not need much watering and are low maintenance plants. The clusters of trumpet-shaped flowers are usually salmon-orange in color, with yellow throats lasting for weeks under prime conditions. Occasionally, they have blooms in either yellow or deep orange and after flowering, ornamental red berries will appear.


The bush lily does well in a sunny or bright area and grow well in a lower light area but rarely flower there. Because Clivia can withstand cooler temperatures (down to about 40 degrees) and don’t mind temperature fluctuations.

Clivias prefer to be root bound and it seems to encourage them to bloom. Keep them in the same pot for five or more years just adding soil to the top as roots push up. If a time comes where they must be repotted, simply divide the existing plants into clumps of five or so and replant with fresh soil. They need very little fertilizer. Tip burn is frequently due to too much fertilizer (or to too much water).

Want to add one of these beautiful flowers to your interiorscape today? Contact the experts at Plantopia to get started! Our experienced Plant Technicians are well versed in the care and cultivation of the Bush Lily!