Brassaia actinophylla

Most commonly used varieties: ‘Amate,’ Schefflera arboricola and Brassaia actinophylla

Common Name: Schefflera

Light Needs

Prefers medium to high light

Water Requirements

Water thoroughly

Usually grown as a long-living floor plant either as a bush or standard tree form.

Most commonly used varieties: ‘Amate,’ Schefflera arboricola and Brassaia actinophylla

Usually grown as a long-living floor plant either as a bush or standard tree form.

Tolerates low, prefers medium to high light (50fc – 500fc).

In low light (50fc – 150fc), water around base of stems, then allow media to dry down to one-half of container. In medium light, thoroughly water entire root ball, then allow media to dry down to 1/3 of container. In high light, give it a drink all the way through with every visit. Overwatering symptoms start on newer foliage. These leaves turn a “wet” brown and fall off. Stems turn black and fall over with rot. Underwatering symptoms include mottled yellowish foliage or older leaves turning banana yellow. Hint: If new growth is pale and limp the plant is possibly in light that is too low. Another low light sign is that the stems lean out of pot toward light source.

These are long living plants that tolerate abuse. Hand wash and or spray foliage to clean plant. Petioles of Scheffleras are brittle and can be damaged easily. Lower foliage and suckering growth will die back in low light. Help to refoliate thinning plants by selectively cutting back stems to promote bushy growth. Some species are sensitive to excessive fluoride and soluble salts and will display mottled foliage and blackening edges from this condition.

Spider mites, scale, mealybug, nematodes, thrips, leaf spot, stem and root rot.